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Ashmi’s story is a positive memory yet a tear jerking tale of how cancer can change lives.  Cancer has a deep and profound impact on an individual and their families. We derive our inspiration to support people with cancer from our lovely friend Ashmi from London, who battled breast cancer for over two years. Ashmi was a beautiful person, inside and out, with energy, enthusiasm and full of life. She connected people, made new friends, she was very positive and like a flame who brought light when we felt surrounded by darkness. Ashmi was passionate about children’s growth and progress and owned and managed a nursery in Hertfordshire. She mothered two beautiful children who are now 6 and 3 years old.

Ashmi was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in 2018 aged 31 which was devastating news to her and her whole family. But Ashmi braved the news and took on the challenge to battle the disease. Ashmi underwent a series of diagnostic investigations followed by chemo and radiotherapy. She underwent a major breast removal surgery in 2019. Ashmi spent quality time with her family after her surgery; however the cancer returned and her palliative care began in early 2020; which Ashmi took on with a smile. Ashmi was confined to her bed from June 2020 and finally passed away at home in August 2020 aged 33, in the presence of her mother, husband and supportive family members.

Ashmi’s real life story reminds us of the importance of life. Even if we suffer from a long term health condition it reminds us to be happy and positive to look after ourselves and our loved ones. We are blessed to have a National Health Service which delivers the best care. So our message is to be positive. We are here to support you to look after yourself and improve your quality of life. Please contact us to find out how we can support you if you have cancer. 

Thank you

Cancer Support: About Us
Gold Ribbon


Its important to look out for any changes in your breasts matter what shape or size your breasts please check them regularly!

Around 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. There are good treatment options if the cancer is detected at an early stage. Check out more information here - Breast cancer in women - NHS (

Hence it is vital that women check their breasts regularly for any changes and always have any changes examined by their GP or healthcare professional. Here is a video by Breast Cancer UK on how you can check your breast regularly Breast Cancer UK | Prevention Hub (

Also Read about the NHS Breast cancer screening programme here Breast screening (mammogram) - NHS (

In rare cases, men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer. Find out more from the NHS website about breast cancer in men.

Cancer Support: About Us
Holding Hands


You are not alone!

People with cancer can feel very lonely but they are not alone. There is support available in the community. Let us help you look after your emotional and practical needs and improve your quality of life. 

We do understand that people who are supporting cancer patients can have a very stressful time coping with their own emotions and hence support is available to them too.

Macmillan Cancer Support provides support and information about different cancer types More info - Cancer Information And Support - Macmillan Cancer Support

For Cancer Care - Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 

Cancer Care - Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (

Penny Brohn UK has been providing much need  support to cancer clients and supporters by giving useful information face to face and online. Please check out their website:

Cancer Support: Welcome
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